Out of all the things I have ever baked I think that these are the most impressive, as they actually involved using yeast (which is something I have been a bit scared of for a long time after some failed attempts years ago..) The fact that my buns came out looking beautifully golden brown and oozing with cinnamon butter was not what I had realistically expected! I think I will have to try them again as soon as possible!
I have been baking today though, making a lemon cheesecake for tonight's dessert, so I should probably try to steer clear of the sweet treats for at least a few days after that!
On another note, I have recently been obssesively listening to You by Gold Panda. Quitters Raga has been one of my favourites for a while, and I decided the other day to give some of their other songs another listen.. and so the obsession began. I will probably keep listening to it non-stop for a week and then be so sick of it I never want to listen to it again! I am always ruining perfectly good songs for myself by doing that. Anyway, take a listen for yourselves..
xx Elly
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