This month seems to be filled of exciting events for Sydney-siders, or at least in my humble opinion. Last weekend it was the Finders Keepers Markets, which was lovely to visit even if I couldn't afford to buy anything.. and I got to visit two of my friends Matt of Faking Handmade and Megan of the Ever Dazzling at their stall, making me feel all jealous and super under-productive!
Next weekend I am totally pumped for the MCA Zine Fair!! Ever since doing a zine-making assignment for uni last year (which I loveddd, not mention earned good marks in for once!) I have been interested in zines. I went to the fair last year and ever since then I have been thinking of making another one, but never real feel like I have the time or a solid concept to base it on. Nevertheless, I will be heading to the MCA next sunday with hopes of scoring some cheap and cheerful zines, which will hopefully inspire me into actual action this year..
The event I am actually most excited about this month is the beginning of the Vivid Sydney Festival which runs from the 27th of May to the 21st of June. The festival includes a plethora of different events ranging from art installations to musical performances all revolving around the theme of light. What I'm really interested in seeing is the creative sydney block party (supported by fbi,) the rocks fire water preformance and if I had any money I would go and see holly miranda. In fact I might even go crazy and splurge $35 dollars on it.
In any case, May is shaping up to be a great month in Sydney!
xx Elly
p.s. In case you are wondering about Holly Miranda, here is a video of her singing her beautiful song "joints" whilst walking around some mysterious places..
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