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March 25, 2010


I don't go to the movies very often, but whenever I do I really hate it when I get there a bit late and miss all the trailers! Trailers are awesome. If it's for a good movie then I sit there gasping and pointing and poking whoever is next to me, and if it is for some silly action movie I sit there laughing and counting how many explosions they can possibly fit into one trailer.

I should be doing something more useful (uni readings, sewing, looking for a job!) but I came across this hilarious video regarding movie trailers and thought I need to show this to every single person ever...

I feel like this is something I shouldn't find so funny, but pretty much every part is hilariously accurate (except it probably could have done without the bit in the middle about the latin teenager, avatar references etc..)

xx Elly

March 23, 2010


Ever since the beginning of high school where I was forced into makingspeeches to the class, I have had a love for powerpoint presentations. My favourite part about them was adding in a load of animated gifs to distract everyone from my lack of knowledge (very successful by the way).

I now keep a file on my computer chock full of every random animated gif I come across in case I ever need it for presentation embellishment again, and looking through it brings me hours of amusement.

Today I found a completely amazing site filed with fancy animations that are somewhat design-related (which bodes well for my presentation relevance!) with various stationery and technology objects in action, a pencil being snapped for example, all in lovely bright colours.

Despite this, my current fave is one of a boy getting punched in the face and bleeding paper blood. I can't get enough of things that use paper as other objects, definitely appeals to my rather large crafty side.

in addition, more amazingness in the form of a claymation video from the same site. I love the well-choreographed dance break in the middle.

Wooork from Elisava on Vimeo.

That is all the coolness I can handle for today folks

xx Elly

March 22, 2010


Gosh I have been so hot for the past few days. I really think that I should never have been born in this country as I really prefer cold weather to hot times a million billion. Plus, the weather keeps tricking me into thinking its getting colder but then it always goes back to baking me alive!

But that is not the point.

The point is actually just that  wanted to show off some of the sweet cupcakes I baked the other day.

They are supposed to be reindeer, in case like my father you thought they were "bug-men," whatever they might be.. but nothing will stop me from being proud of my cake decorating prowess!

In fact maybe i'll show you some previous attempts that are a bit more impressive so as not to seem so hopeless..

cupcake buns with brownie burgers! yummm...

special valentines biscuits for alice, my makeshift boyfriend/reciever of obsessive gifts..

Along with todays ironing and sewing efforts, I am beginning to believe that I am subconsciously training myself to be a 1950's housewife. Actually maybe it's not so subconcious. Now all I need is a dashingly debonair husband! (feel free to pass on any volunteers!)

Well there is one slight flaw in that theory, in that I am so lazy I have still not posted up the lovely clothings onto Etsy yet.. This will not do! Maybe I will offer a free cupcake to those who buy things, although you might have to live nearby because I don't think I can send them through the post..

xx Elly

P.S. I am meaning to sign up to this as soon as I figure out how to properly word my application (I tend to stress about these things!)

It's a lovely idea called the package project which aims to connect bloggers to other bloggers by having them send packages of crafty goodies to one another! I find things like this amazingly sweet and have always wanted to participate so I had better get over my anxieties quickly!

P.P.S. You might see the results of todays sewing endeavors up here soon!

March 16, 2010

daily dresses

I have a somewhat inspiring tale today. Marisa in the U S of A has set herself a mission this year: 365 days, 365 dollars, 365 outfits. And every one of her outfits this year will be centred around an item of second hand clothing. I might not style some of the items quite how she did, but it is really amazing what she can do with a piece of clothing that many might think were far beyond style salvation, and even more amazing that she can find so many clothes out there for one dollar each! 
Here's an example of how she uses a few snips and stitches to make an incredible transformation:

If only I were brave enough to embark on such an epic quest..
Vintage clothes are far more environmentally friendly as they remove the need to constantly create new garments, as well as being generally better made than those of today. Add the extremely low price and unique fashion styles into the equation and I think you have a recipe for success!

Oh well, there is always next year!

xx Elly

March 14, 2010

first photos!

At last I have some good news for you!
Photos! Lots of photos!

So here are a few of the selections on offer:

So as you can see we have been quite busy!

Heaps of love to our gorgeous model Maya for helping out xxxxx
[Without you the clothes would have had to be photographed in a heap on the floor!]

Now I just have to organise a market stall to sell these things..

xx Elly

[edit: silly me moved the photobucket links so i had to do the whole thing again!]

March 10, 2010

the future

Hello again!

Today I have two things to say, both of them are future-related.

Number one is kind of not very good in that photography of the first installment of maymarket goodness has been somewhat stalled, but have no fear! We will come through with the goods ASAP.. (in the near future)

To give you some idea of the current selection; there are plenty of pretty patterned dresses, some darker 90's items, a totally cute manual typewriter, some ladylike blouses and plenty more.

To tide you over I have another musical distraction for you, this time in the form of little kiddies singing sweeeet music. As everybody knows children are our future so, if these guys are any indication, the future is going to be pretty rockin' I think..

They have the thumbs up of many music big-wigs such as Beyonce and Lady Gaga (whose songs they have covered) and are basically amazing in a way that only little kiddies can be.

Without further ado, I give you PS22 singing "Pictures of You" by The Cure

They have also covered Phoenix's "Lisztomania" in an equally lovely and charming manner, but pretty much everything loses out to my intense love of the Cure. Sorry guys!

March 8, 2010

Sweet Tunes

Hey there lovely peeps,

Just popping in to let you know that I went on another vintage-hunt yesterday and managed to bag quite a few goodies. Just got to wait a couple of days until I can get one of my pretty friends to model them for you...

On a slightly related note, while I was in the car driving from place to place I was listening to fbi radio and heard this sweet song that I thought you might enjoy..

The song is "Girls FM" by Happy Birthday [one of those impossible-to-google bands]. I think this song perfectly mixes that cutesy indie-pop sound with something a bit more grungy that makes it a bit more interesting. Plus i've been loving the hell out of my classic 1990's indie-pop tunes [e.g. Tullycraft, Heavenly] so I thought this fits in quite nicely.

Anyway, that's all for the moment, stay tuned for some photos hopefully by next week!

xx Elly

March 5, 2010

hello there


This is Elly and I am starting up a little business called MayMarket.
I am a student of Design in Visual Communications, which basically means that I get to sit around making pretty things all the time and pass it off as university work, and I am generally interested in craft, fashion, music, baking, and all kinds of design.

So what exactly is a MayMarket?

Throughout my teenage years I have become obsessed with vintage shopping, to the point where I have started buying far more things than I can conceivably keep in my wardrobe or house. I thought a good solution would be to earn a little bit of money by selling a couple of things that I have found on the lovely Etsy.

So I will be using this blog to keep you informed not only when new things go up for sale but also some of the things I have been making recently or just any things I come across that I think are pretty or interesting!

One day I will also be adding some of my design work to the shop, including stationery and accessories, but that will take a bit of time what with my uni work and everything.

Anyway, I hope that is enough info for you all and I hope you can find something you like around here somewhere

xx Elly